A Uniquely Different Mentoring System To Increase Diversity In Top Occupations – A Nationally Available College Persistence Program

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Recommended Occupations

  • Occupational Parity for African and Hispanic Americans: Our challenge and Opportunity!

    We at Anyonecanachieve.com are highly concerned about equity, fairness, inclusion and opportunity for all to participate in our recommended 330 occupational titles.

    Our goal is to encourage greater college persistence and preparation that can lead to a more fulfilling future.

    Our focus is where the greatest need exists. African Americans and Hispanic Americans compared to White and Asian Americans, have less educational attainment and fewer great opportunities in the U.S. Labor Force. 

    The 330 titles we recommend encompass about 36 million (well paid) jobs that span a range of interests and aptitude. Most of the occupations fall within Professional Specialty and Management categories in the Labor Force. Nearly all of those titles require a Bachelor’s degree or more but some do not. African Americans and Hispanic Americans are underrepresented in these very desirable occupations. African Americans, for example, are underrepresented in these professions – on average around 6 percent. In some of our listed titles African Americans are under 3 percent. African Americans are about 13 percent of the U.S. population. Regarding educational attainment here is where we stand today:

    2021 U.S. Census CPS data reveals that

    About 38 percent of Americans 25 and over have attained a bachelor’s degree or more.

    This percentage includes 85 million people of 224 million who are 25 or older in America. If you include associate degrees that adds another 23 million resulting in 108 million with degrees or 48 percent of the U.S. population 25 or older.

    • For the same Census period, White Non-Hispanic Americans age 25 and over had attained about 61 million bachelor’s degrees or more – this is around 40 percent of all White Non-Hispanic Americans. if you add in associate degrees attained (17 million) W-NH Americans degree percentage increases to 49 percent.
    • Asian Americans 25 and over in 2021 had attained nearly 9 million bachelor’s degrees or more. This represents about 62 percent of all Asian Americans 25 and over. If you include associate degrees their total of degrees attained increases to nearly 70 percent (68.9).
    • Both African Americans and Hispanic Americans are underrepresented as bachelors degree or more holders as of 2021. Africans Americans 25 and over have attained nearly 8 million such degrees. This translates to 28 percent of the black population 25 and over with such degrees. If you add in associate degree African Americans have earned, degree attainment increases to around 39 percent. 
    • For the same Census period, Hispanic Americans 25 and over had attained 7.4 million bachelor’s degrees or more representing about 20 percent. If associate degrees are added to that number (3.2 million) then 29 percent of Hispanic Americans possess degrees.
    • Looking at all the data it seems clear there is plenty of room for improved educational attainment and specific skill development in America. Unfortunately, nearly two thirds of Americans 25 and older do not have  bachelor’s or more. In this 21st Century of innovation and technology not having college degrees or certainly college level skills is a disadvantage in the competitive marketplace.
    • At anyonecanachieve.com we believe we can help individuals through skill specific mentoring see value in persisting at college in pursuit of a better occupational future.

  • 45 Graduate Degree Jobs That Pay More Than $100K

    Earning a graduate degree can significantly boost your earning potential and open doors to new career opportunities. In this article, US News & World Report explores 45 high-paying graduate degree jobs that can potentially surpass the $100k salary mark. From healthcare and business to engineering and technology, these professions encompass a diverse range of industries.

  • The Secret of Successful Career Preparation

    Career Preparation Related Statements Form

    View this form in Google Docs

    The secret of successful career preparation is not as secret as you might think!  If you can answer most of the following questions affirmatively you are off to a good start.

    Anyonecanachieve’s Career Preparation Related Statements FormYes
    I know who I am. ( e.g.,  I am an outgoing people person or I like spending time in solitary pursuits)
    I know what activities I truly enjoy.  For example, I love writing, analyzing things, helping people, building things or exploring nature.
          I have prioritized the activities I enjoy.
    I have thought about selecting a career that allows me to do the kinds of things I truly enjoy doing. 
    I have made a short list of the careers that include the activities I love.
    I decided on my first, second and third career choices.
          I have narrowed down my career choice over time to one great career
            I am willing to work hard at preparing for the career I’ve chosen.
    I am willing to make sacrifices of time and money to prepare for this career.
    I am willing to tolerate disappointments along the way and bounce back.
            I am willing to spend four to ten years in college to prepare for my   career.
    I am willing to celebrate small successes along the way.
    I am willing to make a solid short and long-term career preparation plans I know that finding and preparing for a great career isn’t a random activity.
    I am willing to find alternative paths to my idea career when some easy paths are blocked.
    I believe my career goal is reasonable given my present knowledge, skills and talents.
    I believe my career goal is reasonable given my ability to learn and grow and develop my full potential.
    I am open to changing my current career goal for an alternative career goal that would also be satisfying to me.
    I will never be shy about admitting my shortcomings and I will work to improve myself.
    I am working on surrounding myself with like-minded people whose insights and support can strengthen my determination to achieve.
    I am willing to take good care of myself along the way by eating, sleeping, exercising and finding relaxing recreational activities.
    I am willing to hear and be responsive to feedback from my support system, friends, family, and mentors (such as the mentors at anyonecanachieve.com).

    © 2012, Dr. Jack Thomas

  • Nearly Half Of Our Recommended Top Jobs Require OR Prefer An Advanced Degree

    Nearly half of the jobs we recommend require or prefer an advanced degree.

    Examples: lawers/judges, physicians and surgeons, psychologists, elementary and secondary teachers, post-secondary educators, medical research, speech pathologists, some engineers, business management, sociologists, dentists, optometrists, special education teachers, biological scientists, computer scientists, chief executives, geoscientists, economists, math, statisticians, library scientists, licensed mental health counselors, human resources managers, architectural and engineering managers, agricultural scientists, chiropractors, pharmacists, some nurses such as nurse practitioners and nurse specialists, vocational counselors, veterinarians etc.

  • About Dream Occupations
    We are fortunate to live in the greatest country on earth where opportunity and liberty abound. Even during times of recession, the “American Dream” is alive and well! In America, living the “American Dream” for most working Americans is linked to the wages earned. All things considered, the more money earned on your job the better your quality of life. Today, in almost every case, people who earn good to high wages are skilled workers. In today’s information and knowledge driven labor market, about 70 percent of the jobs are skilled jobs. Nearly a third of all jobs are high skill and high median pay jobs (about 36 million jobs). Anyonecanachieve refers to the 36 million jobs as top jobs. On the website we’ve identified the occupational titles of those jobs. Unfortunately, minorities are grossly underrepresented in such top jobs. For example, African Americans hold such jobs at a rate of about 6%. At the other end of the pay spectrum, African Americans are overrepresented (sometimes 18% of incumbents) in low skilled and low pay occupations. Of course, a number of factors are implicated in this but one thing for sure is more minorities will need to think about preparing for such top occupations. A college degree is required or desired for nearly all the top occupations we identified. The purpose of the website is to draw attention to these great occupations – provide occupational information through mentors and to give interested students lots of support, strategy advice and encouragement. The jobs are located in Management and Professional Specialty occupational groups. The number of such jobs grow at a faster rate than jobs in other occupational categories. A large number of replacement jobs will be available too as so called ‘baby boomers” retire. Due to demographic changes in the U.S. population, by necessity more African Americans and Hispanic Americans will need to prepare for these extraordinary opportunities. The 330 Occupational Titles We Recommend fall under SVP* 7,8 and 9 (About 36 million jobs in the U.S. labor market, 2008.) Source: http://online.onetcenter.org/help/online/svp *SVP or Specific Vocational Preparation – Read More