believes a college education is important. It is important now and even more so in the not too distant future. Available Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for 2023 show that across all occupations for workers 25 years and older:
9.5% had attained an Associate Degree,
21.1% had attained a Bachelor’s Degree
11.7% had attained a Master’s Degree and
4.8% had attained a Professional Degree or Doctoral Degree
Nearly 50% of those employed had attained a College Degree.
With very few exceptions, the job market is a competitive endeavor meaning there are more people seeking employment than there are job openings. It is our opinion at that a college degree increases your chance of competing for desirable jobs in the U.S. labor market. We believe this is true whether the job posting mentions degree requirement or not. It is not just the idea of holding a degree that matters but it is what the degree training says about you and the skills you likely possess. It also sends a message about your persistence, work ethic, values and willingness to achieve longer term goals. We believe that a college degree will propel you to a great and rewarding career. Please take a look at our list of recommended occupations. Let’s not forget that education pays. Take a look at this 2023 Bureau of Labor Statistics table. It shows median weekly earnings for full-time employed persons 25 and over by educational attainment. Source: BLS, Current Population Survey full-time salary and wage workers (2023).