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Michael Brandon Gastineau, JD

Michael Brandon Gastineau, JDOccupation, Area of Specialty, and Institutional Affiliation

Law Practice & BioConvergence, LLC, Pharmaceutical Industry

Number of years that you’ve been in your specialty

Early Career < 15 years


Admission to Indiana Bar

Highest Degree Earned

JD Degree from Georgetown University Law Center in D.C.

Internships/Residency/Post Doc?

As Undergraduate student attended University of Kent @ Canterbury

You practice one of 330 great occupations that require years of preparation. What things most helped you to succeed in training for your profession and in practice of your profession?

I was a HS athlete and this instilled self-discipline and work ethic. I had the support and encouragement of my mother, family and friends – in particular my grandmother was a constant source of support and encouragement.

I truly enjoy what I am doing. I like the customer interaction and meeting with new people. My job affords me the opportunity to utilize my legal talents and critical thinking skills.

I encourage other minorities to enter my field because it gives you an opportunity to make a difference in the life of others.

The biggest challenge students’ face in preparing for a law career is developing critical thinking and listening skills.

Some helpful hints:

  • Take a well-rounded education
  • Do not be deterred = continue your path
  • Develop critical thinking skills